*This shelf-stable product has a November 2023 expiration date set by the co-packer. However, we are confident the product itself, if stored in a cool and dry environment, will be viable if consumed within 2 years as long as the package seals remain intact. In light of this expiration date, a 50% discount applies on all orders.
An example of weight savings with optimal nutrition intake using Minimus looks like this 16-ounce (~2500 calorie) daily menu:
Breakfast: Killer Dave’s bagel and a ¼-cup peanut butter, cup of coffee and another warm 6 ounce cup of Cocoa Dust
Mid-morning snack: 320-cal nuts (almonds or cashews) or power bar
Lunch: Ramen noodles with Mater Dust
Mid-day snack: King size Snickers or power bar
Late afternoon snack: Meat stick and 200-cals nuts (almonds or cashews)
Dinner: Half a Mountain House with Tater Dust (save the 2nd half of the dehydrated meal for another day)
Imagine the omissions and consolidations that can be realized in your food kit thanks to the nutrient quality and density of Minimus powders. Discovering which of your favorite meals taste best with each flavor is part of the fun as you start to shape a lighter and more compact food kit. You can achieve optimal nutrition without concern for muscle loss despite prolonged periods of negative energy balance. You eat the same stuff as before, but simply less of it.
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